What are life groups?
Life Groups at Agape Hilliard is where we grow in our knowledge of Christ together. A place where we share our successes, our struggles and our lives together. Here we pray for one another, worship together, and experience fellowship with one another.
We strive to fulfill our Lord’s vision, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35
Each group consists of approx. 6-15 people and meets regularly.
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Acts 29
Leaders: Davy & Collette Slabaugh
Location: Plain City
Kids welcome: Yes
Contact: 614-592-9671
malachi 3:16
Leaders: Oscar & Evelyn Hernandez
Location: West Jefferson/Plain City
Kids Welcome: Yes
Contact: 740-604-6764
We are currently meeting each Friday
at the church at 7-9pm
meets every wenesday
Leaders: Steve and Jen Jayne
Location: Hilliard
Kids Welcome: Yes
Contact: 614-207-6127
Young Adult - meets every other thurday
Caleb & Sierra Eicher
Location: Hilliard/Rosedale
Contact: 614-512-8163
life group
Tom & Missy Jacobs
Location: Hilliard
Contact: 614-551-7451